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9 de out. de 2008

Norma Jean - Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child (2003)

Postado por André Magalhães.

Sobre a banda:
Agora sim uma banda metal psychedelic, vamos considerar as guitarras com bastante peso e o vocal sensacional. Seria completamente errado postar esse cd sem comentar de Face:Face que sem duvidas é uma obra prima, pra falar verdade NA Minha opinião o melhor cd do Norma Jean é esse cara, presta atenção nas letras e também em arranjos e etc.

Track List:

1. The Entire World Is Counting on Me, and They Don't Even Know It
2. Face:Face
3. Memphis Will Be Laid to Waste
4. Creating Something Out of Nothing, Only to Destroy It
5. Pretty Soon, I Don't Know What, but Something is Going to Happen
6. The Shotgun Message
7. Sometimes It's Our Mistakes That Make for the Greatest Ideas
8. I Used to Hate Cell Phones but Now I Hate Car Accidents
9. It Was As If the Dead Man Stood Upon the Air
10. The Human Face, Divine
11. Organized Beyond Recognition



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